Haleigh Ziebol


Haleigh worked with the Toner group on analyzing data and writing up results from a study of iron mineral particles in hydrothermal vent systems. Past work with the Toner-Nater group includes research on sulfur and mercury cycling in North American peatlands. 

Other past research projects include monitoring the effect of organic carbon on oxidation-reduction (redox) reactions that occur on iron nanoparticles in aqueous systems, and investigating treatments to decrease the bioaccessibility of soil lead in residential sites. Haleigh has connections to the urban agriculture community and has interest in collaborative projects between community and university.

B. S. in Environmental Sciences, Policy and Management with emphasis in environmental science, minor in soil science (University of Minnesota 2018)

Image: lichen at the SPRUCE site, credit Stacy Nordstrom

Haleigh Ziebol