Laurynn Giles
Laurynn Giles is an Undergraduate Researcher with the International Humic Substances Society (IHSS).
Anne Gapinski
Anne Gapinski is a Researcher at the Marcell Experimental Forest. Anne is involved in several research projects, including the SPRUCE climate change experiment.
Cole Stenberg
Cole Stenberg earned his undergraduate B.S. degree in Environmental Sciences, Policy & Management (ESPM) with minors in Soil Science and Water Science.
Maricia Pacheco
Maricia graduated from the University of Minnesota in 2018 with a B.S. in Chemistry. She worked for two years at a Minnesota chemical company called Ecolab. At Ecolab she worked in the Corporate Polymer Technology department as a formulation chemist and later moved to the Quality Control department. While she enjoyed working in the private sector, she wants to pursue a career in academia. Maricia started in Land and Atmospheric Science graduate program as a Ph.D. student in Fall 2020.
Dr. Jon Stelling
Jon Stelling graduated in January 2020 with his Ph.D. in Earth and Environmental Sciences from Lehigh University. He is currently working as a postdoc at the Marcell Experimental Forest on a collaborative project with Toner’s lab group and the U.S. Forest Service. His research is focused on understanding water budgets and associated hydrologic processes in peatlands using water stable isotopes (H & O) and water table fluctuation analysis.